Tips For Using A Honeymoon Fund Box Successfully

Tips For Using A Honeymoon Fund Box Successfully

Are you planning an amazing honeymoon? Whether you’ll celebrate your nuptials in gorgeous Maui, closer to home, or anywhere in between, honeymoons cost money. What’s worse is that you have to pay for them right after you’ve paid for another huge expense: your ceremony. As such, it’s no surprise that many brides and grooms happily accept donations for their honeymoon expenses. In fact, honeymoon fund boxes have recently become a popular trend.

What Are Honeymoon Fund Boxes?

In case you’re not familiar with honeymoon fund boxes, these are essentially donation boxes used by brides and grooms. They provide an easy, tactful way to solicit (often much-needed) cash gifts at your wedding. While some couples frown on the idea, others love it. It’s up to you to decide how you feel. But, if you ultimately vote “yes” on the honeymoon fund box, here are some tips for using it successfully.

Let People Know About Them

Honeymoon fund boxes may be all the rage, but not everyone is in the loop. They might see your box, have no idea what it’s for, and continue enjoying your ceremony . . . all without making a donation. To avoid this, let people know, in a tasteful way, that you will have a honeymoon fund box at your wedding or reception and that gifts are appreciated. Some couples even forgo a standard wedding registry in favor of honeymoon donations.While you don’t have to do this, it might help you generate more funds.

Place It Somewhere Conspicuous

Even if you tell people about your honeymoon fund box ahead of time, they still need to see it in order to use it. Make things easy on you and your guests by placing the box in a place that’s easy to spot. Ideally, it should be a place everyone has to pass to enter your wedding or reception. This can increase your chances of spur-of-the-moment donations. Plus, it will reduce the risk that guests will forget to give you their donations.

These simple tips can make it so that your honeymoon fund box does the trick. Just remember to thank everyone who contributes to your fund and to show appreciation for any donation, no matter the size. After all, it’s the thought that counts, and every little bit helps.