Your wedding budget is being blown, and you haven't even gotten to the floral table arrangements, bridal and bridesmaid bouquets, and the men's boutonnieres. Flowers to adorn the aisle and altar for the ceremony as well as the cake table. The list of wedding floral needs can go on and on, but you're pocketbook can’t.
Considering all the different ways, flowers are utilized during a wedding, and the cost in doing so, it's no wonder wedding trends have evolved to incorporate other options than traditional flowers. Using isle ribbons or alternating between flowers and decorative lanterns can be a great option. If flowers aren't negotiable, it's best to buy flowers that are in season, so you may have to make some compromises. It's also a good idea to choose flowers that are big in blooms. Flowers like hydrangeas or peonies are excellent selections. This way, you get a bit more bang for your buck, capitalizing on the size of the bloom.
One trend that has gained momentum in the last several years is the usage of succulents. These sturdy plants offer a great alternative to the traditional centerpiece. And if you're doing non-traditional, you can always go with all greenery arrangements, fruits, coconuts, pineapples or candles. All of these options are growing in prevalence at the modern-day wedding.