Wedding Apps for the Bride to Be

Wedding Apps for the Bride to Be

Planning a wedding is both exciting and fun. However, with that said, it’s also a lot of work. Thankfully, though, whether you’re hiring a wedding planner or doing it all yourself, there are lots of great resources out there that can help you, many of which are online and totally free to access and use. If you need a little inspiration or encouragement as you go through the planning process, then be sure to turn to these amazing apps.


Chances are that you’ve used Pinterest before. After all, it’s been around for awhile, and it’s very popular. However, nothing beats using it to find wedding inspiration. You can view and pin images of engagement photos, wedding venues in Maui, invitations, wedding decor ideas, and so much more. Some images even include links to the original source where you can learn more and potentially get the very same items pictured for your own wedding. At the very least, you’ll definitely be inspired for your big day.

Pantone Studio

Are you trying to nail down the exact color you want your bridesmaid dresses to be? Or, maybe you want to experiment and see how different colors work together. Whatever the case may be, if you want to experiment with colors, then Pantone Studio is the app for you. You can identify various hues you like, see how they work with other colors, and basically get all the information and visuals you need to map out the right shades for every aspect of your wedding.


While picking out flowers and deciding on your wedding colors is fun, the fact is that weddings are also a practical and financial matter. They cost money, often a lot of it. Thankfully, the Mint app is perfect for all your wedding budgeting needs. Using the app, you can create a budget, track your spending, and see how much you have left after each purchase, making it much easier to stay on track with planning your wedding without breaking the bank.

These apps and many others can make your wedding planning so much easier and more efficient. Browse through these and other options, and, before you know it, it will almost be like your wedding has planned itself!