Wedding Day Schedules and Why You Need One

Wedding Day Schedules and Why You Need One

The day you “tie the knot” in gorgeous Maui is a special day that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. However, if you want it to be remembered for all the right reasons and to go off without a hitch, then you need to plan it carefully and thoroughly. In fact, it’s a good idea to have a full and complete schedule of the big day all mapped out and ready to go. That way, you won’t miss a thing on your wedding day, and it will all happen exactly the way you always wanted, at least if you can follow a few simple tips.

Make Separate Schedules for Everyone

It might sound a little “schedule crazy,” but why not go ahead and make a detailed schedule for everyone who is playing a role in your wedding. That way, everyone knows where they’re supposed to be and when, and nothing falls through the cracks. You can include schedules for the bridesmaids, groomsmen, and more all on the same schedule that’s for the bride and groom. Or, to be even more clear, make distinct schedules for each person involved and hand them out at the rehearsal or on the morning of the big day itself.

Give Yourself Plenty of Time

As you create your schedule, keep in mind that many things on your wedding to-do list might take longer than expected. Perhaps, for example, you and the bridal party are booked for hair and makeup for two hours. Chances are it might take longer than that since this is a service that commonly goes over. You also have to allow time for people to travel, try on clothes, get their own quick photos, and more.

By giving yourself a bit more time than you think you’ll actually need, you won’t be in such a harried rush all day. And, if you end up ahead of schedule, that’s no problem. After all, it’s a lot better than being behind schedule.

Relax a Little

As a final tip, try to pencil in a few moments of downtime for everyone. You might want to sneak away for a quiet moment with your spouse-to-be. Or, someone might be overwhelmed by emotion and nerves and need to cool off. Plus, too much activity might just be overwhelming for some, especially if it’s non-stop and back-to-back. Thus, no matter how much you have to get done on your wedding day, schedule in some “breathing time” for everyone. You’ll be glad, and so will your guests.

No one is saying every second of your wedding has to be scheduled down to the last detail. But, having at least a tentative outline of what to get done and when can be extremely helpful to any wedding. So, start creating yours today!