How to Store Your Wedding Dress

How to Store Your Wedding Dress

Were you planning on getting married in beautiful Maui in 2020? If so, chances are that, thanks to Coronavirus, your plans were postponed. You may have been lucky enough to already secure a future date for your wedding. Or, you might have postponed indefinitely, waiting to see what the future holds. Whatever the case may be, if your wedding has been postponed by a month or more, simply hanging your dress up until later is not a good idea. Most wedding dresses are made of heavy but sensitive fabrics that require special care and storage for best results.

If You Have to Hang

While professional storage options, such as flat storage, are the best possible choice in a postponed-wedding scenario, that option may not work for everyone. Perhaps you can’t afford this storage option, or you may need to easily relocate your dress from time to time.

In this case, you can hang the dress, at least if you absolutely must. However, be sure to regularly—meaning at least once a month—remove it from the hanger and lay it out on a bed or other flat surface where it can be undisturbed. This will reduce some of the stress of hanging and will also allow the dress to air out a bit, which will keep it from developing a musty odor.

These “relief” periods are also a good time to check your dress for any signs of damage, such as pulling or stretching. If you notice these types of signs, it’s probably time to stop hanging your dress and to look to another, less damaging option until your wedding can take place.

Consider Professional Flat Storage

If you’re able to, consider opting for professional flat storage for your dress. The store that sold you the dress may offer this option. Or, you can ask your wedding planner about possible storage choices in your area. Flat storage involves professionally storing and protecting your dress. It may or may not be folded, but will always be stored in a way that greatly reduces stress to the dress and that keeps its weight evenly and properly distributed for greater protection. You can also opt to carefully fold your dress at home, though you should be prepared for a thorough steaming before it’s ready to wear.

Ultimately, professional help is always advisable when storing something as delicate as a wedding dress for a prolonged period of time. However, if you have to hang or store your dress at home, do your best to do it properly. That way, you and your dress will look just as beautiful as you always imagined when your big day finally comes.