Wedding Lighting Trends to Consider

These days, people want every single detail of their Maui weddings to be as perfect as possible. That even extends right down to the lighting. While lighting was once something that nobody gave much thought to, now it is, just like everything else, a chance to make a real statement and to do something bold and different.

Exposed Light Bulbs

This trend might sound a little “out there,” but, believe it or not, exposed lightbulbs are a bit of a “thing” these days. Some people just like the minimalist look that they offer.

Others like to do artistic things with exposed bulbs, like creating rustic-looking string lights or incorporating them into decorative or floral arrangements.

Light-Up Letters

Everyone loves letters and cool words to set the theme and feel for the wedding. And, what better way to make your words stand out than with light-up letters? Whether you go for a light box with your own letters added-on, individual letters, or your word of choice spelled out in actual lights, you’re sure to make a statement.

Popular choices for using lighted letters include decorating with words like “Love,” spelling out the bride and groom’s names and/or the date they met, or even just putting up initials or even a word that’s special and meaningful only to the couple themselves.


Candles have long been popular at weddings, but, in recent years, they’ve gotten even more popular than ever, and people are using them in bigger, bolder ways than ever before. While it used to be common to find a few candles decorating a tabletop, now you’ll find candles adorning every single surface or, in some cases, even serving as the only lighting.

There are all kinds of ways to make your wedding lighting really stand out. You can try these style-tips or even come up with some of your own. Chances are that, no matter what, if you’re creative and true to yourself, your lighting and your entire wedding should be fabulous!