Wedding Movies to Help You Unwind

Wedding Movies to Help You Unwind

When you’re stressed out, there’s nothing like curling up on the couch and watching a good movie. And, since wedding planning can be stressful, why not give yourself a break and pick a flick? It’s a fun way to unwind. Plus, if you choose your movie with care, it might even give you some cool wedding ideas or help you remember what’s truly important. And, if you need some ideas for what to watch, consider the following films.

Destination Wedding

If you want to watch something new and fun, check out Destination Wedding, which will be streaming soon. The title should speak to anyone planning a wedding in Maui or some other wedding hotspot. However, this film focuses more on two disgruntled wedding guests, played by Keanu Reeves and Winona Ryder. So, while it’s funny and romantic, it can also give you some insight into what your guests might be going through.

Bride Wars

If you’re dealing with bridesmaid drama or just want to laugh with your maid or matron of honor, watch (or rewatch) Bride Wars. It’s a girly movie about two besties who are getting married on the same day . . . and all the chaos and rivalry that ensues. It will remind you to get your priorities in check, avoid excessiveness, and stay true to your pals, even when they get on your last nerve.

Wedding Crashers

For couples who want something to watch together, Wedding Crashers is the perfect fit. You’ll laugh a lot. Even better, you’ll get glimpses of lots of weddings in all kinds of different styles. It’s the perfect, no-pressure way to generate some new ideas for your own big day. It will also remind you of the types of guests you want to avoid like the plague.

Runaway Bride

For brides (and grooms) with a case of the wedding jitters, Runaway Bride is the perfect pick. It tells the story of a woman who just can’t commit to saying “I do” and the man who tries to change her mind. It will remind you what true love is and why it’s worth fighting for. You’ll also get to scope out some awesome wedding dresses in the process.

From the silly to the serious, there are all kinds of wedding movies. Why not grab a few, put your feet up, and let your anxieties melt away? You can get back to work once the credits roll, and you’ll probably feel better when you do.