Wedding Planning: What Comes First?

Wedding Planning: What Comes First?

Did you recently get engaged? If so, congratulations! Take a minute to enjoy the moment and relish in the fact that you’ve found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Once you come down from cloud nine, though, it’s time to get to work and start planning your wedding. If you’ve never planned a wedding before, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. You might not even know where to start, but this helpful guide can help you figure out the right planning order.

Collect Ideas

Some people spend their whole lives dreaming of their wedding day. So, when it finally becomes a reality, they have a huge list of ideas they want to put into action. If you’re one of them, great! But, if not, it’s your time to start collecting ideas. Think about where you might like to get married. Is beautiful Maui your style? Or maybe you’re a hometown kind of person. Whatever the case may be, look at articles, picture boards, wedding gowns, and anything else that gives you inspiration. From there, you can start to piece together an idea of what you want your wedding to look like.

Decide On An Approximate Date

Once you have a general idea of your wedding plans, it’s time to decide on an approximate date. The actual date you choose will probably depend on a lot of factors, like venue availability. But, it’s a good idea to set some kind of tentative timeline. Your wedding planning process will look a lot different if you want to get married in a few months versus a year or even two. Talk it over with your partner, take a look at your finances, and then come to some kind of reasonable consensus.

Design A Budget

Speaking of finances, determining a budget is a big and important part of the wedding planning process. You’ll need to sit down with your partner and honestly assess how much you can afford to spend on your big day. Then, take a look at average pricing for things like flowers or venues in your area or in the area where you plan to have the wedding. From there, you can decide whether your ideas are feasible or whether you need to dial things back a bit.

As you can imagine, all of this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to wedding planning. But, if you can start with these few steps, the rest is sure to follow. So, what are you waiting for? Why not start the planning process today?