So Many Reasons to Appreciate Your Wedding Guests

So Many Reasons to Appreciate Your Wedding Guests

When you’re planning a wedding, it’s easy to get frustrated with your guests. Yes, you love them, but they can get on your last nerve during a time that’s already stressful. Some may not RSVP right away. Others might have tons of questions or special dietary requests. But, before you respond with a harsh word, remember that your wedding guests are what make your big day special. Plus, they’re often dealing with pressures of their own.

They’re There for You

When a person agrees to come to your wedding, they’re saying that they’re willing to sacrifice for you. Sure, they get to attend a fun event, but there’s often more to it than that. If you’re having your wedding on a day that’s inconvenient for them, they might have to take off work or change their plans around. Or, if you’re having a destination wedding in Maui or some other exotic locale, they’ll have to arrange and pay for travel and lodging. So, when you find yourself getting aggravated, just think of all they’re doing just to be there for you.

They Have to Put Aside Their Own Feelings

It’s very rare for every single person at a wedding to like each other. People may have to deal with family members or others who they don’t like and would rather not spend time with. But, they’ll often do it just to attend your ceremony. Weddings can also be difficult for people who have recently gone through a breakup, a divorce, or the loss of a spouse. Keep in mind that everyone has experiences and feelings that can make your wedding less than an ideal place to be, so you should be kind above all else.

They Have to Spend Money Too

Hosting a wedding can get expensive, but so can attending one. Many people buy new clothes and get their hair done to attend your nuptials. Then, there’s the matter of buying a gift. Some may also have to pay for childcare or pet-sitting services as well. Thus, while it might seem like your guests are getting a “free ride,” they’re often spending quite a bit, and it’s all because they care about you.

The people you love can sometimes make you angry, even without meaning to. Of course, you should discuss any serious issues openly and honestly, but there’s also plenty that you can let slide. It will ease your stress in the long run. Furthermore, at the end of the day, these people are doing something for you and deserve a little gratitude.