Why You May Want To Skip A Spring Wedding

Why You May Want To Skip A Spring Wedding

Spring is a beautiful season. Flowers are blooming, and love is in the air. That sounds like the perfect time to get married, right? While that may be true for some people, spring weddings don’t work for everyone. So, if you’re considering a springtime wedding, whether it’s in beautiful Maui or your own backyard, make sure you see the full picture. You may just find that a fall, summer, or winter wedding is more your style.

Allergy Sufferers Beware

If you’re the type to get the sniffles at the first sign of pollen, you may want to rethink that spring wedding. This is especially true if you’re planning on getting married in the great outdoors. The last thing you want is to be sneezing and miserable on your big day. Plus, red noses and eyes rarely look good in photographs.

The Weather Can Change On A Dime

Bad weather is always a wedding risk. But, in the spring months, the weather is especially unpredictable. Sunny skies can give way to showers at a moment’s notice. Or, depending on where you are, it can suddenly turn much colder or much hotter than you bargained for. If you want weather that’s less likely to surprise you, other months may be a better choice.

You Might Spend More

Despite its drawbacks, spring is still a very popular time to get married. In fact, because it’s so popular, prices often rise significantly in the spring months. You might pay more for your venue, your flowers, and other wedding must-haves than you otherwise would. So, if you’re on a tight budget, look into other possibilities.

It’s Tax Time

Spring isn’t just about beautiful weather. It’s also tax season. Do you really want to be paying wedding bills when your taxes are due or soon after? And, what about your guests? If they’ve recently faced big tax bills, they might not be in any position to buy plane tickets, book hotels, or splurge on wedding presents.

Ultimately, you’re the only one who can decide when to get married. Spring may turn out to be just right for you and your wedding vision. But, if you don’t want any ugly surprises along the way, consider all the pros and cons before you settle on a season.