Tips For the Mother Of The Groom

Tips For the Mother Of The Groom

In a wedding, every single person has a role to fulfill. Luckily, if you’re the mother of the groom, there’s not a whole lot on your plate. For the most part, you can just enjoy the ceremony and be there to offer support and encouragement to your son. However, some people in this role overstep boundaries a little bit or try to take charge. Don’t let that be you. It won’t help you build a good relationship with your new daughter in law or her family, and it could just cause strain between you and your son. To keep everything peaceful, just follow these tips.

Be Welcoming

Weddings can sometimes be a little uncomfortable, especially if everyone doesn’t know everyone well. Traveling to Maui or some other new place for the ceremony can also take people out of their comfort zones. Thus, if you want to give yourself a responsibility, decide that you’re going to make everyone feel welcome. Do your best to get to know the bride’s family if you don’t already. Smile at people who look like they need it. Be kind and gracious. Little things like these can go a long way toward creating a more pleasant wedding experience for everyone.

Don’t Interfere With The Guest List

You might have a desired guest list that’s a mile long. Or, you might have people you really don’t want to see at the wedding. However, it’s not your job to butt in or try to control who the couple can or can’t invite. If you have a few guest requests, it’s okay to voice them. But, otherwise, don’t comment on who your son and his partner choose to invite. At the end of the day, that’s up to them.

Consider Contributing

Traditionally, the expense of a wedding falls on the bride’s family. Some people still stick to those traditions firmly, while others prefer a more modern approach. Find out how your daughter-in-law-to-be and her family feel on the topic. If everyone is comfortable and if you’re able, then you might think about contributing a little something (or more) to the wedding and its expenses.

Marriage is a beautiful thing. And, as a parent, there’s nothing like seeing your child find true happiness. So, instead of complaining or making things difficult, enjoy this day and the process leading up to it. Stay your lane, but offer help where you can. You’re sure to look like the best mother of the groom ever.