Don’t Make These Wedding Photo Mistakes

Don’t Make These Wedding Photo Mistakes

The day of your wedding is a busy day, and you’re sure to have a lot on your mind. However, it’s also a day in which you’re going to be the subject of many photos. Hopefully, you’ve already booked an awesome photographer who makes you feel comfortable. If you’ve done that, then the next step is simply to relax, smile when you’re told, and avoid these wedding photo mistakes.

Mistake #1: Being Late

Being late to your own wedding, even by a few minutes, is rude. It makes your guests feel like you don’t value their time. Plus, it can ruin your photographer’s plans and possibly even your wedding photos. Many in-demand photographers are very busy and have weddings booked back-to-back. If you’re late, you could cause them to be late to their next wedding. Or, they might have to leave before your ceremony is over, which means you miss out on professional pictures of key moments. Also, photographers often have reasons for requesting the times that they do, such as lighting. So, for best results, stick to a tight schedule on the day of your wedding.

Mistake #2: Not Speaking Up

Ideally, you and your photographer should discuss the types of pictures you want on your big day. They should know your style and what moments are most important to you. If you haven’t voiced these opinions, get on it. And, if you notice that your photographer isn’t capturing something you want immortalized, speak up. Ask them to point and click and then get back to what you were doing.

Mistake #3: Letting Your Guests Interfere

These days, everyone has a phone, and everyone uses their phone to take pictures. However, that shouldn’t happen at your wedding. It can get in the photographer’s way and ruin some wonderful shots. So, ask your guests not to play amateur photographer during your wedding. Plus, don’t let anyone other than you and your partner dictate what your photographer does or what pictures they take.

Whether your wedding is in gorgeous Maui or your childhood church, you deserve a beautiful ceremony and beautiful pictures that help you relive it when it’s all over. To ensure you get just that, follow these helpful tips. You’re sure to be pleased with the end result.