Forget These Worn-Out Wedding Planning Traditions

Forget These Worn-Out Wedding Planning Traditions

Whether you’re getting married in Maui or anywhere else, chances are that you’ve heard more than your fair share of wedding-related traditions or “rules.” For example, you may have had it grilled into you not to let the groom see the bride in her wedding dress. Or, you may have been told it’s bad luck to stay together the night before the wedding. Whatever the case may be, know that it’s perfectly okay to throw some traditions out the window, especially when it comes to planning your big day.

Worn-Out Tradition #1: The Bride’s Family Has to Pay

One of the worst traditions—and one that can put a lot of stress on the bride’s family—is the one that says the bride’s parents are responsible for the wedding costs. If you’re the bride and your family is feeling the pressure, don’t panic or feel like you have to adhere to this rule. Your wedding can be paid for in any way you like and that works for you. In fact, it’s not at all uncommon these days for many people, including friends and family on both sides and the couple themselves, to contribute to the wedding expenses.

Worn-Out Tradition #2: A “Plus One” is Not a Requirement

You may have been told to allow for a “plus one” for every invitation you send out. However, weddings are expensive, especially if you’re serving a meal, and you shouldn’t feel pressured to cater to your guests plus their dates or others they wish to bring along. It’s perfectly fine to invite just the specific people you want on your big day. But, fair warning, many people do expect to be allowed a guest, so make your preferences clear from the get-go to avoid mishaps.

Worn-Out Tradition #3: All the Bridesmaids Must Match Perfectly

In the past, it was common for every single bridesmaid to wear the exact same dress and, in some cases, to even style their hair the exact same way. While you can follow that old standard if you wish, know that you don’t have to. It’s perfectly fine to have the bridesmaids in coordinating, rather than matching, outfits, and many bridesmaids will prefer it. After all, everyone wants and deserves the chance to look their best and showcase their personal style!

Remember, your wedding day is just that: your day. You should be able to approach it however you want, rather than just following rigid traditions. After all, planning a wedding is stressful enough without adding a bunch of silly rules into the mix! Do your day your way!