How to Incorporate Diversity into Your Big Day

How to Incorporate Diversity into Your Big Day

These days, people are realizing, more than ever, the importance of promoting equality among all people. And, if you’re planning a wedding, you have a wonderful opportunity to play a part in this noble goal. By making a conscious choice to assemble a diverse wedding team, you can feel great about your big day, knowing you’ve used it as a way to put your own values into practice.

Use The Locals Whenever Possible

When you choose to get married in Maui, you’re already incorporating diversity into your wedding, providing, of course, you’re not from there. You’re contributing to a new place and to diverse people, and you can do so even more by using locals whenever and wherever you can. Don’t fly in a photographer you’re familiar with. Instead, find a local to do the job. The same goes for your florist, caterer, and more. Working with locals not only promotes diversity and inclusion, but you’ll also find that, in most cases, it’s a lot easier and less stressful all around!

Make Your Goals Known

Ideally, you should be working with a wedding planner to help your big day come together. And, if you are, make all of your goals known to your wedding planner upfront. If having a diverse team of vendors is important to you, tell your planner! Chances are they’ll have lots of great connections to vendors from all backgrounds and walks of life. And, even if they don’t, if you make your wishes known, a good wedding planner will go out of their way to accommodate you.

Let One Vendor Lead to Another . . .

When you successfully find a vendor from a minority background or other inclusiveness category that’s important to you, ask them to lead you to more! You’ll be surprised at the great connections you can make in this way. Once word gets out that you’re working toward diversity, don’t be surprised if you get all kinds of offers and suggestions from people who have the same values as yourself.

Assembling a diverse wedding crew is a wonderful goal to set for yourself. Know, too, that it’s a very achievable one, especially if you follow the advice presented here.