Want Cash On Your Wedding Day? Here’s What To Do!

Want Cash On Your Wedding Day? Here’s What To Do!

One of the nicest parts of your wedding day is getting plenty of presents. But, what about when you don’t want or need physical gifts? Maybe you and your partner have lived together for years and already have all the things you need to make a home a home. Or, perhaps your living situation is cramped, and you don’t have room for a lot of extra items. Whatever the case may be, if you’d rather have cash instead of standard gifts, that’s perfectly okay. However, to ensure things turn out your way, you need to follow some simple but effective tips.

Make Your Preferences Clear From the Start

The easiest way to avoid physical gifts is to make it clear that you don’t want them. Obviously, you’ll want to do this as tactfully as possible, and your invitations are a great place to start. You can include a statement that says something like, “No traditional gifts necessary, but monetary donations are welcome.” While it may feel a bit blunt, it will keep your guests from spending money on things you don’t need or want. And, it can increase your chances of getting something you actually do need and want.

Tell Your Friends

Word of mouth has a way of spreading. Thus, don’t be afraid to make it clear to important people, like the maid of honor or the mother of the bride, that you’re hoping for cash gifts instead of physical gifts. Chances are that they’ll tell someone, who will tell someone. You might just get lucky if enough talk goes around and end up with more cash than presents.

Start A Honeymoon Fund

In lieu of a wedding gift, you might also consider asking people to contribute to your honeymoon fund.

Whether you’re going to Maui, out of the country, or anywhere else, this is a polite way to request cash instead of presents. Plus, there’s no rule that says you actually have to spend the funds on the honeymoon itself. Instead, you can use the money to simply recoup what you spent on the honeymoon.

Gifts are a tricky arena. You want to be grateful for anything and everything, but you also don’t want to get a bunch of items you don’t need. Fortunately, following these tips will keep everything polite and civil while increasing the chances of getting cash as a present.